

Application for taking SUNSET photos and their evaluation, informative presentation, titled with ‘Reminiscent expedition to Ethiopia – or lighting of candle at the Erta Ale Volcano’ by László, Gruber, and exhibition of photos from the photographs on the topic of sunset and storm taken in the neighbourhood of Tiszaföldvár by József, Járfás

Organizing institution: Tiszazug Museum of Geography

Information / referent: Mária, BÉRES, museologist in natural science, Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.

night geography 18 photomap1170On the 6th March 2018 the following call is put out:

  • The sunset…: it comes through, however, it is an impressive celestial phenomenon, which has made many people bethought, inspired numerous artist throughout the centuries. We have called for a photo application, the entry is available with own digital photos taken on the sunset. The pictures could be snapshots. Let’ hunter for the sunset in the following few days.
  • The photos could be sent to the address of Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.. The deadline of the sending of photos was the 3rd April midnight. The Sunset photo application has notably exceeded all expectations of the organizers: 23 photographers sent about 150 photos from 53 spot of the Earth for the Tiszazug Museum of Geography, the organizers are thankful for it to everybody. Sunset photos are taken in Indonesia Hawaii, Iraq, Ethiopia, many sports of Europe and Hungary. The photos could be browsed clicking on the map. In the Night of Geography they are evaluated and exhibited in the NIGHT OF GEOGRAPHY.

6th April 2018 17:30 – presentation of László, GRUBER: ‘Reminiscent expedition to Ethiopia – or lighting of candle at the Erta Ale Volcano’

  • László, GRUBER, the teacher of geography at the Petőfi Sándor Lutheran Secondary School of Bonyhád took the road with his three partners to tour the ‘land of the sunburned faced people’ from its deepest point to the almost highest during their a two and a half week-long tour. The slept in a tent in the Simien Mountains in the height of almost 4000 meters in –3–4 Celsius grade, however, they roamed also in the deepest point of Africa, in the Danakil Depression in the heat of 40 Celsius grade. They placed memorial tablet and lighted candle at the Erta Ale Volcano in the remembrance of their former fellow-travellers, Tamás, FÁBIÁN and Gábor, SZABADI. The placed a memorial tablet on the Hungarian Embassy in Addis in the remembrance of the Hungarian researchers born over the Hungarian state borders, discovering the land of Abessina.

6th April 2018 19:00 – A chamber exhibition from the photos of József, JÁRFÁS

  • A quotation from the introduction of József, JÁRFÁS on his mission: ‘I study in Szolnok. I live in Tiszaföldvár from my birth. The nature has been always near me, therefore I began to take photos as a hobby. My main area is the storm and landscape, however, I take pictures on the stars and the portraits. With my photos I aim to show the whimsies and miracles of the nature for the people. It is important to call the attention for that due to the change of the climate many natural ‘miracles’ vanishes. I intend to record these miracles in the neighbourhood. The majority of my photos was taken in the neighbourhood of Tiszaföldvár.’
  • Facebook: Jarvasphotography
  • Homepage: Jarvasjozsef.myportfolio.com

Everybody is expected by the Tiszazug Museum of Geography for the events of the Night of Geography, where besides the exhibitions and the presentation of László GRUBER it is an opportunity to taste sunset syrup and spritzer!

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