

Organizing institution: Library, Hungarian Geographical Society

Information / referent: Réka, KIESZ, librarian, Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.

18:30–19:00: Treasures of the Library of Hungarian Geographical Society

The language of the event is Hungarian

Reka Kiesz, librarian of the Hungarian Geographical Society, introduces attendees to the history of kincsek konyvtarbol
the library. Manuscripts, maps and books of our rare documents collections will be presented in the video available through our youtube channel:


Founded in 1872, the Hungarian Geographical Society is Hungary’s professional body for geography. Our main focus is advancing geography and representing geographers in Hungary and worldwide. Our Society supports research, education, fieldwork and expeditions around the globe. The focus point of our mission is promoting public and governmental engagement and interest in geography and its education. Our Collections Since 1873, the Hungarian Geographical Society’s library and maps collection have become one of the most prominent archives of international geography and cartography. Currently, our collections hold over nine hundred titles of periodicals dating as early as the beginning of the 19th century. Expanding over nearly 150 years, our history preserves some of the most prominent international geographers’ letters and journals. Our Collections are open to the public.