

Organizing institution: Cultural Center of Ferenc Kállai

Information / referent: Gyöngyi, KOVÁCS, assistant lecturer, event organizer, Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.


geonight21gyomaendrodCheese tasting in Gyomaendrőd – with heart and soul

Gyomaendrőd is the 'City of Cheese'. To reinforce this, an online cheese tasting will be held, where participants can taste a pre-defined set of cheeses or just listen to their history, background, their role in gastronomy and 1–2 backstage secrets from the world of cheeses.

Estimated starting time of the event: from 17 o'clock 9th April 2021. (Friday)

Expected duration: around one hour

Url to the facebook event:
