

Organizing institution: West Hungarian Division, Hungarian Geographical Society

Information / referent: Gábor, KOVÁCS, geographer, senior lecturer, Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.; Tibor, LENNER, geographer, associate professor, Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.

geonight21szombathelyTitle: Geographical researches in Szombathely, at the Department of Geography, Berzsenyi Dániel Teacher Training Centre, Eötvös Loránd University

8 rapid presentations for science-publicity in the form of recorded videp materials. The "interlaced" records together mean the program of Szombathely. 

  • Beginning: at 19.00
  • Among the presenters there are academics, PhD-students and studens as well. Everybody speaks predeominantly on his/her own research field.

The organizer is Gábor, KOVÁCS, senior lecturer. The program of the West Hungarian Division of Szombathely is compiled by his active contribution:

  1. Tibor, LENNER – Tamás, CSAPÓ – Gábor, KOVÁCS: Development of the urban schema of Szombathely in 3D. Presented by Tibor, LENNER
  2. Tamás, CSAPÓ – Tibor, LENNER – Gábor, KOVÁCS: Builing and functional structure of Szombathely. Presented by Tamás, CSAPÓ
  3. Zoltán, ZENTAI: The change of the landscape-names of Vas County and the problems derinig from this.
  4. Zoltán, UNGER: "How? Is the salt not an evaporite?" 
  5. Alexandra, PUSZTAI-EREDICS – Gábor, KOVÁCS: Whether does the River Rába wonder? Presented by Alexandra, PUSZTAI-EREDICS
  6. Andrea, POZSGAI: "I looked around in the countryside and I just wheat fields were seen everywhere" – the relationship between agrobiodiversity and the space structure of agriculture.
  7. Laura, KARDOS: Spectacular works by students – development of modern visual aids in the education of geography.
  8. Gergely, SZABÓ – Gábor, KOVÁCS – Zoltán, ZENTAI: Technics of topography modeling in the analysis of seismic risks. Presented by Gergely, SZABÓ

These are 10–15 minute-long presentations, which pre-timed appear in a given order on the youtube channel of SEK "live":


The direct link is coming soon as well.