MFT 150 jubileumi évad


Walk and ‘campfire’ on a hill in Biatorbágy

Organizing institution: Prohászka Ottokár Catholic High School, Budakeszi

Information / referent: Zoltán, BALOGH, teacher of Geography and German language, Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.

night of geography18hu biatorbagy081170The teachers and pupils of the school make a trip to a hill (called Nyakas-kő) over the City of Biatorbágy and after the sunset a campfire is lighted.

Meeting: at 18 o'clock under the Viaduct of Biatorbágy, at the Iharos exit of the traffic circle

Financial needs: travelling expenses: approx. 500 HUF (≈1.6 €)

Handful, but eager team of pupils and parents climbed up to the Nyakas-kő, a wonderful panorama burst upon their view.

They could take pleasure in the sunset, then they spent a couple of hours in the nearby fire-setting place: they roasted, played, talked.

Comments: ingredients (bacon, sausage or bread) for frying are gladly welcomed.

night geography 18 hungary1170


A Földgömb magazin

A Magyar Földrajzi Társaság földrajzi-ismeretterjesztő folyóirata 2024-től már nem illetménylap, a tagdíj nem tartalmazza a Földgömb  magazin előfizetését!

