MFT 150 jubileumi évad

budapest geodesy

Micro-tour to a belvedere

Organizing institution: Geodesy Senior Hikers, Budapest

Information / referent: László, BASSA, cartographer, ret. research fellow, Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.

At the Széll Kálmán tér the participants get on the bus 21, and they travel to the Normafa stop.

From there they walk up to belvedere of János Hill wondering in the sunset occurring at 19:33.

Meeting: at 17:30 on Széll Kálmán tér

Track: Széll Kálmán tér – Normafa – chairlift – belvedere – Szép Juhászné – Széll Kálmán tér

Further ideas are also joined to the microtour.

The participants write a brief, illustrated essays on their badinage to Buda Hills and/or make reports on the event.

The Buda Hills in my mind

In memory of my father

erenyagnes1In my childhood I was dreaming of the János-hill a lot. My grandfather’s name - on my father’s side – was János and a I thought that the hill had been named after him. It was not a completely stupid idea because he was a cartographer and a lithographer – anything could happen, at least in my mind. He was born in Temesvár in 1892 and died in 1947 – so I did not know him but my father told many stories of him. The photo was taken in 1913 – such a good-looking man he was. The János-hill could have been named after him, anyway.

Later on when I was a schoolgirl and read more about geography I got to know that the hill was named after a count who had lived in the Middle Ages, or the statue of Saint John, which was erected on the top of the hill. The hill was actually named in early 20th century. What? When?! My grandfather was eight years old at that time...So my fantasy slipped by…what a disillusion!

The János-hill is the fourth top of the Buda Hills by height (527 m). A high Triassic dolomite covered with Dachstein limestone. The highest one is Nagy-Kopasz 559 m, then Kutya-hegy 557 m, and the next is Nagy-szénás with 550 m. There is a nice panoramic view from the Erzsébet look-out tower of Budapest and of the sorrounding slopes of the BudaHills.

erenyagnes4On the next photo are my father János and his younger brothers Vilmos and Karcsi on their way up to the Erzsébet tower, in 1933.

I used to be hiking a lot with my parents in the Buda Hills. I remember that almost each year and every season we walked up to Normafa and proceeded to János Hill. Sometimes we climbed up from Hűvösvölgy, Kis Hárs-hegy (362 m), Nagy Hárs hegy (454 m) and walked down to Szépjuhászné.

For a few years I worked in Csillebérc, at Children and Youth Center as a program coordinator.

erenyagnes3During the past 40 years I always took my friends and relatives to the Buda Hills up to János Hill to enjoy a view of the city from Erzsébet–tower. On the last photo I am pictured with Mimi, my father’s cousin from Temesvár.


Night of Geography/Nuit de la Géographie

6th April 2018.

by Ágnes Erény

Member of the Geodesy Senior Hikers, Budapest, Hungary

March 2018.

night geography 18 hungary1170


A Földgömb magazin

A Magyar Földrajzi Társaság földrajzi-ismeretterjesztő folyóirata 2024-től már nem illetménylap, a tagdíj nem tartalmazza a Földgömb  magazin előfizetését!

