MFT 150 jubileumi évad

budapest parish church

Presentations in the undercroft of a temple

Organizing institution: The Budapest Innercity Main Parish Church of the Assumption

Information / referent: Mihály, ARANYOSSY, Touristic referent (Tourism Officer), Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.


29542033 999321606886845 635762498847402705 nIn the undercroft of the temple from approx. 18:15 Edit, HUIBER, historian-muzeologist keeps a presentation titled with ‘István, SZÉCHENYI and Transylvania’.

Following it Dr. Zoltán, Osztie, parish priest pays tribute with a short prayer to István, Széchenyi departed 158 years ago.

  • It provides a special actuality for the event is the fact that the symbolic catafalque and valedictory of Széchenyi in Pest was in this temple on the proposal and organization from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on the 30th April in 1860.

Night of Geography 2018 event of the Budapest Innercity Main Praish Church of the Assumption

night geography 18 hungary1170


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