MFT 150 jubileumi évad


Talking on geography of Miskolc in the belvedere and cellar of Avas Hill and outdoor cooking in ‘bogrács’ (a typical Hungarian pot) on the area of the University

Organizing institution: Institute of Geography and Geoinformatics, University of Miskolc

Information / referent: Károly, KOVÁCS, geographer, assistant lecturer, Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.

The Institute of Geography and Geoinformatics, University of Miskolc arm-in-arm with the Institute for History and the Pannon Sea Museum keep an opened talk accompanied by interesting presentations on geography of Miskolc Town, in its heart, at the Belvedere of Avas as the followings:

  • From 17:30: Before the sunset the program is geography of Miskolc from the Avas Hill explaining and tasting. Topics:
    • Physical geography – The landscape of Miskolc, geomorphology, soils and geology
    • Human geography – The complex social structure of Miskolc and its geography
    • History – Presence of the stone age in the area
  • 20:00–20:30: Getting to the University
  • 20:30: The legendary UV Hill is situated in the Campus, on the side of the hill a little segment of soil for demonstration is dug and next to it a smaller clearing is cut by the organizers. On this place a fire is lighted under a ‘bogrács’ (a typical Hungarian pot) and after the sunset the spending the time around the fire.

Meeting: az 17:30 at the Belvedere of Avas

Comment: a microbus is to carry the participants from the Avas to the University

night geography 18 hungary1170


A Földgömb magazin

A Magyar Földrajzi Társaság földrajzi-ismeretterjesztő folyóirata 2024-től már nem illetménylap, a tagdíj nem tartalmazza a Földgömb  magazin előfizetését!

