MFT 150 jubileumi évad


Organized and individual sightseeing tour among the Ottoman memories, guided visit to the exhibition in the mosque, an evening-walk with torch

Organizing institution: Mosque of Pasha Yakovali Hassan

Information / referent: Beáta, PINTÉR, manager of the institution, teacher of geography and facilitator, Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.


  1. night of geography18hu pecs mosque genesis of islamThe Mosque offers a free guided visit to the exhibition with the topic of the genesis if the Islamic religion. Groups of pupils are welcome from 10 o'clock AM. More than 100 persons listened to the genesis of the islam.
  2. From 16 o'clok: 20–21 memories related to the Ottoman occupation of the city are presented for the participants in the course of a 2–3-hours urban walk in city of Pécs.
  3. night of geography18hu pecs map for individual walkThe walk among the Ottoman memories is available individually too with orientation by map.
  4. An evening-walk with torch in the türbe and garden of Idris Baba. The participants get knowledge on the dervishes through the presentation of the life of Ármin, VÁMBÉRY.


  • The guided tour and the visit of the türbe are free. The admission to the mosque (for a single person) is 400 HUF (≈1.3 €), but over 10 persons it is free.
  • The sightseeing could last for a long time therefore the intent of participation should be signed almost one day earlier by phone (+36-20-400-9301) or by email (Ez az e-mail cím a spamrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát.). The visitors of Idris Baba’s türbe are asked to do the same way. Opening hours: 9:30-17:00. The visit of the Türbe with candle is the most mysterious in the evening light, therefore it is suggested to be planned after 17:00. On-demand guide in English could be provided, the orientation is available by writing in the following languages: English French, German and Turkish.

night geography 18 hungary1170


A Földgömb magazin

A Magyar Földrajzi Társaság földrajzi-ismeretterjesztő folyóirata 2024-től már nem illetménylap, a tagdíj nem tartalmazza a Földgömb  magazin előfizetését!

